The end of Naruto

All the way back in 2010, I wrote a blog post detailing my complex relationship with the world of Naruto. Now, seven years later with the publication of the Manga's final ever volume, I thought I would gave my thoughts on the series overall as well a mini review of the final volume.

As I mentioned in my previous Naruto blog, my primary introduction to the franchise was through the Ultimate Ninja Storm video games, where I was impressed by their use of cell shaded graphics to perfectly recreate the style of the anime. Given this introduction, it would be logical to assume that my main experience with the franchise would be through the anime, but in fact I've seen very little and what I have seen hasn't impressed me.  Instead, I was encouraged by friends to read the manga and it was there that I found myself being pulled into Naruto's world.

However, despite my enthusiasm I cannot claim to be the series' biggest fan. The world may be fantasic but the  plotting of several of the major story arcs throughout the series boaders on tedious;  and despite some fantasic character designs, much of writing for those characters renders them flat and uninteresting. 

The final volume itself is good, although it takes absolutely no risks and plays out exactly like you might imagine. It's essentially a gigantic fight scene bookended by speeches. First, the series' numerous central characters make speech saying they don't want to fight, then they fight, ( which I won't describe  because trying to describe Naruto fights is like describing a particularly vivid acid trip) then the final pages are devoted to further this-is-what-it-all-means speeches and a epilogue which feels like   the author couldn't really bring himself to let go.

While it would be ridiculous to recommend getting into Naruto with this volume, overall I feel that the world is compelling enough for at least a casual glance but perhaps not prolonged stay...

On an unrelelated note, 2016 looks to be a hell of a year for comic book movies, so I expect to be far more active on this blog.

Until next time,


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