
Showing posts from May, 2010

Tears of the devil

Today I want to talk about a very short-lived comic book which is very dear to my heart: Dreamweave's Devil May Cry series. This series was, as you may have already guessed, based upon the videogame franchise of the same name. I should probably mention, before I launch into my opinion on these comics that I am big fan of the games, so my views on aspects such as the storyline may not be entirely objective. The comics take their story from the first game in pretty much a wholesale fashion, with scenes lifted directly from the game's various cutscenes . For anyone who has played the game, this could be seen as something of a turnoff( it's hardly a classic work of fiction.) but the comics manage to inject a certain amount of extra dialogue which keeps up the pace a helps the characters feel slightly less two dimensional. The main draw of series for me however, was the art, which gave the scenes an almost rustic feel, in keeping with the settings seen within the game. It

When bad writting gets worse

This topic isn't really one that I can limit simply by only looking at the world of comics. (although, if I did, I would still be able to find at least a thousand examples) Bad writing is everywhere, the Internet is full of it and it can be seen in every form of media, form TV shows and films to newspapers. Having said that, It seems to me that bad writing, whether its seen in character development or overall storyline, is starting to appear in places were it really shouldn't. With that in mind, I thought I would use this post to list, in no particular order, some of those I feel are the most guilty. 1# Avatar I have a complicated relationship with this film. Like everyone else who saw it in 3D for the first time, I was stunned by the artistry of the computer generated world of Pandora and spent the following two days getting misty eyed whenever I recalled any particularly beautiful scene. However, once I stopped to think, I realised how shallow and unoriginal

First thoughts on Iron Man 2

So, I went to see Iron Man 2 yesterday and, while it's too early to formulate a proper review, I will say that I was extremely satisfied with the movie. I thought the tone of the first film was carried over well and the characters were spot on. I may come out with a full review later, but for now that's all I'm going to say. Until next time, Panelhopper