
Showing posts from August, 2009

Returning from the wilderness

I'm back! After a long but, regrettably, not very hot summer, I have returned to brush the dust off of this ol'blog and wade thigh deep into the world comics once again. As it's still summer(At least, according to the calender it is) I thought I would take an in depth look at this season's comic book blockbusters. Starting with a personal favourite of mine... Watchmen A film adaptation of Watchmen was always going to be huge, there was never any question of that. A truly deep peice of work from an already emminent writer, It blurred the line between plup and literary ficition for the first time and opened the door for new styles of writing within the industry. When the film adapatation was annouced I was skeptical, not because I thought it would be impossible to make, but because I thought I knew what would happen when it was. As I've said before, ever since comic books gave movie studios a tried and tested forumla for the perfect summer blockbuster(built-in audien