
Showing posts from January, 2010

Be Kind, Don't Rewind

There's really only one major breaking news story in the world of comics at the moment and that's the leaked the revelation of a certain character's identity. However, I am choosing not to comment on that story until the hype has past by, thereby allowing for better judgment... So, instead, I'm going to talk about the other major piece of comics news, The recent cancellation of Spiderman 4. On the surface this seems like fantastic news. After the mess that was Spiderman 3, I was worried that the 4th movie would drag the franchise further into B movie territory and was relived when I heard that Sam Raimi had pulled out and Sony Pictures had decided to ditch the project all together.... But then I read the rest of the press release. Sony Pictures are planning a reboot in 2012...There are no words... Now, don't get me wrong, there are some cases where a franchise can genuinely benefit from a reboot, The Incredible Hulk proved that, but The spiderman movies were massive

New year, New beginings

Well, it's the second day of 2010 and that hopefully means a fresh start for us all. However, because I know there are literally millions of bloggers out there all writing about the same thing, I will not be talking about myself but will instead be focusing on the one new begining this year that really gets my geek glands pumping: Doctor Who New Year, New doctor. Bring it on.