
Showing posts from April, 2016

Aquaman: A Dark (sea)Horse?

Recently I've become increasingly obsessed with Aquaman. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly why this is, although I blame a combination of The Big Bang Theory and his reported appearence in Dawn of Justice. Whatever the reason, I have been thinking about Aquaman far more often than I would consider to be healthy. This led me to begin reading his stories in search of an answer to one of the oldest questions in comic books: Is Aquaman really as cool (or as uncool) as people say he is? I decided to dive right in(pun intended) by reading any Aquaman book I could find which, in my case, was volume 5 of the current series titled "Death of A KIng". As far as introductions go, this was perhaps not the best choice.  "Death of A King" opens with Aquaman feeling increasingly isolated. After the events of the previous volume, which saw the army of Atlantis rise up to attack Boston, he is mistrusted by humans who see him as too Atlantean and mistrusted by atlanteans who