
Showing posts from February, 2010


When I posted about Assassins Creed, I mentioned how rare it was to find a game where the writing and storyline match up to the gameplay. I still stand by that statement but I realised, while talking about AC I had failed to mention was is, in my opinion at least, the only other series that can make the claim: The Legacy of Kain series. This series is perhaps one of the only examples where the gameplay actually takes a backseat to the storyline. The main bulk of said storyline is written by Amy Hennig(Who is also responsible for the script of the now critically acclaimed Uncharted series) and is unfortunatly far to complex to explain in a single blog post, so instead I thought I would give you a taster, direct from Youtube You've got to admit that is some fine quality dialogue and there are at least ten more cutscenes like it in Soul Reaver 2 alone. In conculsion therefore, whenever anyone asks you for an example of a game with good writing, think Legacy of Kain

Panelhopper reviews Naruto(so far)

So far, in the process of writing this blog, I haven't really taken the time to discuss any of the manga I enjoy. This is mainly because, unlike with American comics, were I can dip in and out without wasting time on story arcs that might be pointless,(Yes, I'm talking to you, Marvel!) Manga is often written as weekly issues with one massive arc that may take years to resolve. This makes forming an oppinion difficult, because once you start reading, finding place in the narrative were you think you have a handel on all the characters/the story can be impossible because the narrtive is always in motion. However, The is one Manga series I think I'm finally ready to give a proper opinion on: Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto I was first introduced to the world of Naruto via one of the many games based on the series. My flatmates had decided to hold a massive fighting game tornement in our kitchen and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm was one of the games chosen to feature. Half way