
Showing posts from January, 2011

First thoughts on The Avengers film...

Oh look, it's 2011. One step closer to 2012, a year which, regardless of which socail or religious group you happen to belong to, seems to hold some deeper meaning as the advent of a major world changing event. For comic book geeks, that event is the up coming Avengers film. Directed by a personal inspiration of mine, Joss Whedon, It is(or at least is likely to be) an adaptation of Mark Millar's The Ultimates, which, as I said in my last post, is in my opinion by far best reinvention of a classic super hero team produced in a decade and an industry which is seemingly obsessed with reinvention. With well over a year to go before the film is released, there are very few indictations as to what the film will be like. Having seen the trailers/ publicity photographs of Marvel's Thor and Captain America movies however, I am optimistic about The Avengers and I'm greatly looking forward to 2012 Apologies for my long absence, Panelhopper