
Showing posts from November, 2009

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's...Buffy the Vampire Slayer

As cynical as I can be sometimes, I generally manage to hold my tongue when it comes to franchises that are close to my heart. Sometimes however, those franchises will commit a crime that cannot be overlooked... A couple of months ago, I wrote a reveiw of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8. I was still feeling fairly positive about the series at the time, so it wasn't a particularly fair review, but I did hint that cracks were beginning to show. The writing was sagging under the wieght of an overly complcaited storyline and in some issues was just downright bad. I concluded in the review that I would try and remain positive and I did try but this month's issue brought developments in the storyline that were just too strange to ignore... Buffy flew... Now, as a longterm devoted folllower of the Buffyverse, I've seen some crazy storylines(Angel season 4 *cough*) but this latest development just seems....Retarded. Even as a resolution to the current storyarch it makes no sense

Remember, remember

Today is, of course, November the 5th, Guy Fawkes Night. This means there's really only Graphic Novel I can write about in here: Alan Moore's V for Vendetta. However, rather than attempting to review a piece of work which I feel I do not yet fully understand(I've only read it twice) I thought I would talk in broader terms about it's creator. Alan Moore is an author I sometimes fail to understand. Clearly his work is amazing and has changed the landscape for comic book writers forever, one only has to read Watchmen to see that, and when watching any of the many interviews with him over the years it's clear that he has great passion for his work but, at the same time, he also seems to have a burning hatred for any form of adaptation of his work. This baffles me. Don't get me wrong, there are some parts of his argument I wholly agree with. Trying to create spin-offs from stories which have a definitive ending for example, is ridiculous and without out a doubt shows