
Showing posts from December, 2009

Living by the creed

As it's almost Christmas, I thought I'd take a break from talking about comics and discuss one of my favourite franchises in the world of gaming: Assassin's Creed. For me, this franchise represents not only a great gameplay expirence but also one of my favourite storylines in gaming. The idea of a secert order of Assassins(as well assassins in general) has always appealed to me, even if it's a somewhat overused idea. The thing that makes Creed stand out though, is the charasation. In Assassin based stories, there are really only two basic plots: 1) The central character, mister x, is either poor, a soical reject or both. by chance, Mister x discovers he is very good at making people dead, he(or she) is then contacted by a mysterious and anicent order of Assassins and is then plucked from obscurity and through their new line of work gains the socail mobility they desired. 2) A mid-level Assassin for an anicent order, discovers some form of conspiracy within its hierachy,