Panelhopper Vs. Big business: The destoryer of worlds

I would like to start this blog by saying that I have never been a very political person. I may, form time to time, express cynicism towards the way our modern world works but I am well aware that without those inner workings many, if not all, of the things we rely on would disappear overnight; so I try not to moan...

However, having said that, it was with a heavy heart that I read the news of the Disney-Marvel Comics takeover. This is something I simply do not understand. I know that Marvel have been in finacial trouble before but...Disney? What will happen to darker series like X-force now that America's favourite rodent is at helm? Does this mean we'll have to endure ridiculous crossovers? On the other hand, perhaps this is just what both companies need in order to expand, Who can say? All I know is the idea DOES NOT make me happy.

Another, smaller, peice of bad news comes in the form a new buffy movie...Minus the original cast, Joss Whedon and anything that was good about the show. I'm a HUGE fan of Buffy/Angel as well as Joss' other work and this can only be a bad move and it's simply pointless when Buffy's eighth season continues to do well over at Dark Horse...What is this world coming to?

Speaking of Buffy season eight, I will be doing my first Panehopper reveiw on the series so far in my next post.

Until next time,



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