Our hero walks in darkness

Today, fellow comic lovers, rather then lamenting the lack of darkness found in comics, I will be turning my eye towards the one title which truly embraces it. Topcow's The Darkness.

My thoughts on Topcow are highly conflicted. On the one hand, almost all of their creations are refreshingly original, with the writing sometimes covering themes that their rivals would never touch with their flagship titles, and on the other the consisantly porngraphic nature of the artwork made it difficult for me to take titles such as The Darkness or Aphordite IX seriously and I often felt let down as a reader because the emphasis on the artwork tended to lead to shallow writing.

However the other day I picked up The Darkness #75 and was pleasantly suprised. The writing in the comic seems to have turned over a new leaf, and what I found was dialogue that truly helped to move the story along and gave the comic a very cinematic feel. This apprently is the work of writer Phil Hester, who I shall now be watching very closely...

Until next time.



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